Functions of Opening System

Type of Software

type of software,type of software in computer

System software 

 The software that controls internal computer operations is called system software.

Operating System

Hardware is nothing but finely designed machine. An operating system is used to control all other operations of computer system.

 An operating system is a program which acts as an interface between a user and hardware.
It controls and coordinates the use of the hardware among various application programs for the various users.


The assembler is used to convert program written in assembly language to machine language. 

Operating System Function’s

Operating system function’s broadly fall into two categories-
 Essential function, Monitoring function and Service function

1.      Handling I/O operations i.e. device management

2.    Errors and interrupt handling

3.    Job scheduling i.e. process management

4.    Security and protection of program

5.     Providing user interface

6.    Resource allocation and handling

Type of Operating System

There is different type of OS which runs upon different type of hardware

1.      Single User OS
2.    Multi-user OS
3.    Time Sharing OS
4.    Real Time OS
5.     Multiprocessing OS
6.    Interactive OS

1.      Single User OS
In this only one user program can be supported and executed by it at any point of time i.e. single user use this OS at a time.

2.     Multi-user OS
As the name suggested, multiple user use this at a time. These active programs are executed using some techniques one by one.

3.    Time Sharing OS
In this each active program given a fair share of CPU time if the time elapses or an I/O operation is requested, CPU shifts over the next job and previous job hold on wait .It the job is complete , it handed the job to I/O manager.

4.    Real time OS
In this, every job has a fixed deadline. If the job doesn’t complete in this deadline, this situation is called deadline overrun.

5.     Multiprocessing OS
In this, multiple processor working at a time to handle more than one job. In this the load shared to multiple processors.

6.    Interactive OS
These are GUI based OS which give interactive interface to the user.

Some Commonly Used Operating System

1.      UNIX

It is a multiuser, multitasking OS. UNIX was one of the first operating system to be written in high- level programming language, namely C.

Due to its probability, flexibility and power, UNIX has become a leading operating system for workstations. Historically, it has been less popular in the personal computer market.

2.    Linux

Linux is one of the popular versions of UNIX OS. It is open source as its source code is freely available. Its functionality list is quite similar to UNIX.

3.    Windows

It is a GUI based OS by Microsoft .It gives a virtual desktop operating graphical “windows” displaying the content of electronic file and folder with single mouse click, rather than typing command.

4.    BOSS(Bharat Operating System Solutions)

It is a free and open source GNU/Linux distribution. This software package has been described as “India’s own PC operating system.

5.     Solaris

It is a free Unix-based OS introduced by Sun Microsystem.

6.    Mobile OS

It is an operating system that operates a smart-phone, tablet, PDA or other mobile device –Android, Symbian, and IOS.

This post is about working with operating system I hope this will helpful for you ,In the next post we will talk about introduction to C++. There is also left some other topics in between ,it is better to prefer book for those.

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