Flow Of Control

Programming in C++                                  

Generally a program executes its statement from beginning to end. But sometimes program needs repetition of statement and making decisions. C++ provides such tools by providing statements to attain so. Such statements are called program control statements.  

Flow Of Control in C++

·       Flow of control
1.      Sequence
2.    Selection
3.    Iteration

1.  Sequence

Sequence construct means the statements are being executed sequentially. In C++, program starts from main () and ends at the last statement of main ().

Flow Of Control in C++

2.    Selection

Selection is based upon the test condition .if condition evaluates to true, one course-of-action is executed otherwise other course-of-action is executed.
Flow Of Control in C++

3.    Iteration

Iteration construct means repetition of a set of statement on the basis of test condition. As soon as the condition false repetition will stop.

Flow Of Control in C++

Conditional control statements

1.     If
2.   If-else
3.   If-else if-else
4.   While                                        ->looping statement (entry control)
5.    Do while                                   ->looping statement (exit control)
6.   Switch                                       ->multiple branch selection
7.    For                                            ->looping statement

1.     If

If the statement evaluates to true statement 1 (S1) is executed and then statement2 (S2).
If we want to execute more than one statement when condition is true then write all those statement in braces {} after if.
if (condition)

Flow Of Control in C++

2.    If-else

Also known as either -or. This used to select one statement and ignore the other statement.
Flow Of Control in C++

  main ()
int a, b;
if (a>b)
cout<<”a is greater”;
cout<<”b is greater”;

3.   For

It is repeated structure which can repeat a statement as long as the given condition is satisfied.
for (initialization; condition; update)
main ()
int i;
for (i=0; i<10; i++)

0      1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9

4.   While

It is also a repeated structure statement. It is also known as entry-controlled loop.
    while (expression)
in while loop, a loop control variable should be initialized before the loop begins and loop variable should be updated inside the body of loop.

Q. Write a program to find the factorial of a number.

int main()
 int i, num, fact=1;
 cout<<”\n Enter integer:”;
  fact*= num;
cout<<”\n The factorial of”<<i<<”is” <<fact;
return 0;

Output: Enter integer:5
The factorial of 5 is 120

5.   Do- while

Like while statement it repeats a statement given as long as the condition is satisfied unlike in while statement the condition is checked at the end of the structure.
 statement 1;
while (expression);

statement 1 is executed till the condition is true.
  char ch=’a’;
} while (ch<=’z’);

6.   Switch

It is a multi branch statement which can be used to select and execute one of the available statements.
A switch can have upto 257 case statement. When there is no break statement in the switch case, it is called fall through.
switch (value)
{case 1:
 statement 1;
 case 2:
 statement 2;
 case n:
 statement n;
 statement d;
Note: here value can be numeric or character.

Jump Statements

The jump statement unconditionally transfers program control within the function. C++ has four statements that perform an unconditional branch-
1.      return
2.    goto
3.    Break
4.   Continue
In addition, C++ provides a standard library function exit() that helps you break out of a program.

1.      Goto statement

A goto statement can transfer the program control anywhere in the program. The target destination of a goto statement  is marked by a label.
goto label;
if (a<50) goto start;

2.    Break statement

Break statement is used to skip over a part of code. Break statement terminates the smallest enclosing while, do-while, for or switch statement.
 Ex    while (test expression)                                      for (int;expression;update)
{                                                                   {
statement 1;                                                   statement 1;
if (a==5)                                                        if(a==5)
     break;                                                           break;
 .                                                                      statement 2;
 .                                                                     }
statement 2;                                                statement 3;
statement 3;

Break statement leaves the program control to statement 3 in above example.

3.    Continue statement

The continue statement is another jump statement like the break as both statement skip over a part of code. But it is different from break because it forces the next iteration of the loop to take place, skipping any code in between.
while (expression)                                    for (int; exp; update)
{                                                                 {
 S1;                                                             s1;
if(condition)                                              if(condition)
   continue;                                                       continue;
s2;                                                                s2;
}                                                                    }
s3;                                                                s3;

In while loop continue statement leave the program control to expression.
In for loop continue statement leave the program control to update.

 Ex.  main ()
  int a; b; i;
   for (i=0; i<10; i++)
     cout<<”\n Enter 2 numbers”;
    cout<<”\n the denominator can’t be zero”<< “Enter again!”;
    cout<<”\n Quotient=”<<c”\n”;

Q. Write a short program to input a digit and print it in words.

void main()
 int num;
 cout<<”Enter a number from(0-9)”;
 case 1:
 case 2:
 case 3:
 case 4:
 case 5:
 case 6:
 case 7:
 case 8:
 case 9:
 cout<<”Wrong Entry”;

Q. Write a program to check whether the number is prime or not.

 void main()
 int num, i, flag=0;
 cout<<”Enter a number”;
 for(i=2 ; i< num ; i++)
  if ( ( num % i)==0 )
 cout<<num<<”is prime no”;
 cout<<num<<”is not prime no”;

Q.Write a program to print

  A  B
  A  B C
  A  B C D
  A  B C D E
  A  B C D E F

void main()
  char ch=’A’;
  int i, j;

This post is about Flow of Control in C++. In the next post we will discuss the topic Function.


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